Here are some commonly used herbs……
Melissa officinalis.
Has actions on liver, Digestive system and Nervous System. A wonderfully uplifting herb, usd for depression and anxiety.
Also commonly prescribed for Digestive problems such as IBS.
Also has an antiviral action when used externally for Cold Sores.
Due to the Volatile oil Content, Melissa is best taken as a fresh herb tea or as an aromatic water.
Rosmarinus officinale.
A well known culinary herb, Rosemary is commonly prescribed in Herbal Medicine for Depression where there is also a low blood pressure.
Do not use this herb if you have high blood pressure as it is a circulatory stimulant.
Rosemary is traditionally known as the herb of remembrance, it increases the blood flow to the brain and can help with poor memory.
Students often use Rosemary when studying to help them maintain alertness and to aid memory.
Rosemary is a stimulating herb and as such it is advisable not to drink an infusion or use the Essential oil at bedtime!
Sambucus nigra ( flos)
Both the Berry and the Flower of the Elder are used medicinally. The flowers are a great decongestant and are used freqeuntly as an infusion ( tea) for colds.
Taken warm as a tea, the diaphoretic ( perspiration inducing) action brings a fever down naturally.
It has a pleasant taste and most children will happily drink it. Elderflowers blend well with Ginger, Peppermint and Yarrow for a tea for colds.
An external application of the Elderflowers can help strains and sprains and burns due to its antiinflammatory action.
Lavendula angustifolia
Everybody knows the Lavender plant with its wonderful fragrance and delicate blu/purple flowers.
Many people are aware of the use of the essential oil to help with burns, spots, insect bites etc. It is also known for its ability to help the body/mind relax and to aid sleep.
Medical Herbalists may use the Essential oil, but will often add a small amount of tincture to a mix of herbs prescribed for insomnia.
If a person is anxious and or depressed and has a tendancy towards irritability and anger, Lavender might be a welcome addition to a prescription due to its action on the nervous system and the liver.
Urtica diocia
Judged as a pest to gardeners but a treasure to Herbalists, the stinging nettle is a source of Vitamin C, iron and other minerals.
Made into a soup it is a fantastic cleansing spring tonic!
Medicinally the leaf is used for skin conditions such as eczema, the cleansing action assisting the elimination of toxins from the body.
The anti-histamine like action often makes this the herb of choice for Hayfever. Nettle is also midly anti-inflammatory in action, also hypotensive and hypoglycaemic.
In Germany, Nettle is licensed as a standard medicinal tea for diuretic action and is also used as a component of prepared medicines intended for supportive treatment of rheumatic aliments and irrigation therapy in inflammatory conditions of the lower urinary tract ( Wichtl and Bisset, 1994).
Clincial trails have shown Nettle root to be effective in the treatment of BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate gland)