West Sussex Herb Group
I feel like I have been chasing my tail a little lately so apologies for late posting and lack of promised pictures from our last meeting on the 9th June!
I WILL pop up to Culberry and take some snaps very soon.
Meanwhile just an update on our planting last time, very industrious we were too! We now have Golden Hops ( humulus lupulus) Guilder Rose ( viburnum opulus) a Eupatorium which I need to identify further, some Myrtle, Oregano and a Corsican mint!
The Soapwort that self seeded came in handy at our last workshop, we enjoyed our green sudsy hands with just using the leaves as a soap.. pictures.. yes that would have been useful! Next Workshop we are going to make a cleanser using the root.. watch this space!
Back to the Herb Group! Our next meeting is 7th July 7:30pm. We are going to make some Hypericum perforaum ( St. Johns wort) infused oil. All welcome as ever.