Elderberry Syrup
What a wonderful day this Herbalist has enjoyed, collecting elderberries and rosehips with dear friends from rainbow medicine circle ( www.rainbowmedicinecircle.com)
I really can’t believe how time has flown this year, seems only a few weeks ago that we were collecting elderflowers and here we are in late summer collecting elderberries!
I should think we have a few weeks left of harvesting time, they really are abundant and beautiful this year.
We made at least 3 litres of elderberry and rosehip honey syrup, enough I should think to keep our families going through the wintertime!
It is hard work stripping all those berries from the stalks and we have purple fingers and aching backs, but it was well worth it as the syrup is delicious.
For extra reserves we also made a litre of Elderberry Tincture, that should be ready to press out in around a months time.
Elderberries are antiviral and can be used at onset of colds or flu’s. Studies have shown that they reduce the duration of influenza infection quite considerably, I can support that research with my own experiences!
A must I think for your winter remedy cupboard. Maybe we shall make some more at the Herb Group? Or set up a morning workshop to make a batch?
No Photo’s to go with this post today as I was so engrossed in making the syrup that I forgot to take pictures! Ah well, you shall just have to come and make some to see the incredible purple of the decocted berries!
Next herb group meeting is Tuesday September 6th 7:30pm