May & June Herb Workshops
You are invited to attend a Herbal Workshop where you can learn how to use herbs to restore health to yourself, your family and friends.
The day will be held at Culberry Nursery where we have an Apothecary’s garden as well as our new community herb garden.
It’s a great time of year to be doing the workshop, with so many medicines in abundance, we can harvest and make remedies to use now or to store for use later on in the year.
We will be making Creams, Ointments, Gels, Medicinal blends of Herb Tea’s and Herb oils as well as your own herbal personal elixir!
Booking only by advance please as places are limited to a maximum of 6 people.
Next Workshop 22nd May and 12th June
for a booking form please telephone or email Andrea ( details on the contact page of the website)
Rosemary Lewis came to the last workshop and this is what she had to say:
A highly informative and inspiring day in the potting shed! Great to have an opportunity for hands on experience, with a lovely bag of useful creations to bring home.
Great to have the notes to refer back to and the recipes to practice with and develop our skills.
Really look forward to building on this at a future workshop. Thank you!
karen hale
12/05/2011 @ 11:50 am
please may i have a booking form for herbal workshop 12th june
many thanks