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have you ‘liked’ my Facebook Page? Lots of updates, advice, pictures and herbal information… https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Hughes-Medical-Herbalist-Herba-Medica/162538223811840
have you ‘liked’ my Facebook Page? Lots of updates, advice, pictures and herbal information… https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Hughes-Medical-Herbalist-Herba-Medica/162538223811840
Hearty Hawthorn For me, there is something very uplifting about seeing the Hawthorn in flower, her boughs laden and almost bending under the weight of the blossoms, I find it truly heart warming which is interesting as the keynote of the medicine gift of hawthorn is of course the heart. The Hawthorn tree or May […]
Discover the wild medicinal plants growing on our doorstep Join me for a gentle walk on Highdown, Ferring/Goring, Worthing on Friday 21st June at 11am. Meet by the picnic bench above the Car Park at Highdown at 11am. I will point out and give information on the array of medicinal plants that quietly grow in […]
Urtica dioica – The Common Stinging Nettle Until this year I was completely unaware that be nice to nettle week even existed! So there we are, we have a national appreciation for this wonderful plant which provides Medicine, Food and even Textiles. Butterflies and Bee’s love them too, and we all know how important […]
Workshops 2013 Herbal Medicine is our heritage, it is the medicine of our Ancestors, the medicine of our Land. If you feel the plants calling to your soul and are ready to open your mind and heart to their gifts, if you want to share time with other people who are also called to learn […]
As Valentine’s day approaches and again I notice how we are all bombarded with another commercial fray of goodies, my mind has been turning to the heart on an emotional level and how the phrase ‘heartbroken’ and ‘a joyful heart’ are actually very relevant in reflecting our emotional way of being at times in our […]
Workshop on March 6th 2013: 10:30-1:30 We will be learning to use herbs for the musculo-skeletal system to include Types of herbs most useful- classified by their actions. Recipes for teas, tinctures, liniments, ointments and oils for Cartilage/ Tendon/ Ligaments, Muscles, Joints and Nerves. Back pain/Sciatica, Sprains, Strains, Joint/Muscle pain. Arthritis. Bursitis, Tendonitis, Muscle spasm, […]
Here we are again in October, a time to dig our medicinal roots and to begin to make Medicines to see us through Winter. We are lucky enough to have a massive amount of Horseradish or Armoracia rusticana to be able to harvest. I remember as a child being sent off up the lane to […]
Herbs are amazing… this seems to be my mantra, but really they ARE! I am constantly surprised on every level and especially enjoy an opportunity for a little wild-harvesting. This morning Theo and I decided on the downs for our morning walk with Odie our Labrador, on the way I had pondered about picking a […]